Travel Counsellor Charlotte Daines provides some great professional advice if you are planning an exotic getaway!
In our latest blog I chat to Charlotte Daines, Travel Counsellor who arranged my fantastic trip to Vietnam earlier this year. Here she shares her career journey from being a dog walker/trainer to independent travel advisor, plus some great advice for those of you planning an exotic getaway this year.
Worried about caring for your pets during challenging times? Here’s some tips to help survive the cost of living crisis!
Buy online and in bulk. Don’t look at the total cost, look at cost per kg (listed in smaller font below the price)
Enjoy the Autumn with your dog and embrace the mud and weather!
Autumn for us is one of the most beautiful seasons of the year. Glorious colours, low sunsets, misty mornings and first frosts. However, dogs tend to sleep longer during these shorter days which interrupts sleeping patterns. Their energy levels tend to slow down and...
‘Enough is Enough’ aims to help young children feel comfortable around dogs
“I’ve found that over the years with numerous young children visiting my home, with the right conversation to understand the language of dogs, they grow in confidence and often end up being those with the closest connection and love for the furry beasts.”
With dog theft increasing by 250% in the UK just how do you keep yourself and your dog safe?
As Covid-19 has slowed our lives down, it has allowed for many to understand what it is they want and need in their lives, and animals are at the forefront of this. Twenty-twenty was the year that saw so many new dogs welcomed into family homes across the UK, and the...
Corona Virus Update – Business as Usual at Hampstead Housesitters and Hampstead Hounds
Here at Hampstead Housesitters and Hampstead Hounds we wanted to let you know that we are carrying on as normal with how we operate as a business and service provider.
Off on holiday this year? We chat to designer Otis Batterbee manufacturer of luxury travel accessories that have gone global!
Our Founder Christiana is a huge ambassador of independent businesses and in the lovely Hampstead Village where we live and work there’s an abundance. Here we catch up with Hampstead-based Otis Batterbee manufacturer of luxury travel accessories.
Dark January – how do we make sure our dogs and cats remain healthy?
.. at this time of the year it’s so easy to get out of your pet routine, especially when the winter weather sets in. However, there’s a lot you can do on a regular basis to ensure your beloved pet remains healthy and happy
Our Founder Christiana reflects on a challenging and productive 2019!
Christiana, Founder of Hampstead Housesitters and sister company Hampstead Hounds (successful house-sitting and dog-walking businesses in Hampstead Village, London) reflects on what has been a productive year in so many ways. For many of us 2019 has been challenging....
Dog and cat owners in London – Cattery, Kennels or Pet Sitter?
As a well-established award-winning pet sitting business based in North West London, we provide tailored and bespoke services for clients, many of whom have relocated from overseas to work here in the UK’s busy capital. We get very excited when we are approached...
The final intensive day of Dog Training
With Victora Stilwell’s help I learnt how to get the absolute focus of a very lively and strong puppy.
Day 4 at the Victoria Stilwell Academy
Collies are an exceptional example of how dogs will watch the tiniest of human movements. All it took was an eye movement in the direction I wanted her to go round the barrel. A wonderful experience!
Opening Times
Monday – Saturday 9am – 4pm