We’re supporting a great charity and need your help

Hampstead Hounds (our sister company) is supporting a fantastic charity fundraiser at the Duke of Hamilton in Hampstead on Saturday 8 December.  We are raising funds to rescue a group of purebred British Bulldogs and a Bull Terrier from awful living conditions in China on behalf of The Edward Foundation.

The Edward Foundation have rescued over 1,000 dogs within the UK but recently took on the dogs from China having heard awful stories about their treatment. The dogs are currently out of danger living in China in quarantine and receiving incredible care and will, in the next few weeks, and with the aid of donations, be flying over to new lives in England.  In fact in recent days we’ve heard that the charity has received the good news that the first dog has successfully completed the flight from China to the UK and lucky for us will be guest of honour at the fundraiser on 8th December.

The event is the brain-child of Stacey James who moved to Hampstead from the USA last year. Stacey regularly organised high-profile charity events back in her home town of Frenchtown, New Jersey and is excited to bring the first event to her adoptive country. “I have a Bulldog called Clementine and what started out as a bit of a party for her birthday has turned out to be a successful fundraising event. It just seems fitting on her 5th Birthday to continue this event here in the UK and I’m really grateful for Hampstead Hounds’ support.”

It costs approximately £1,000 per dog for the quarantine, pre-care and their ‘freedom flight’ to the UK so we’re hoping  the brilliant  Hampstead community will come out in force to support and dig deep into their pockets.

De Randall, Chairman of The Edward Foundation added “Thank you to everyone for thinking of our Bulldogs and helping to raise money towards their care.  We are a non-profit organisation and 100% of the money donated will go towards our Bulldogs needs. We look forward to meeting everyone at the party!”.

For those of you on Instagram we’re encouraging an Instagram take-over where you can post images of your own Bulldogs , watch videos from the event and share comments so do please engage on the day @cleverclementine, @hampsteadhounds, @theDukeNW3.

The charity event is also supported by family run Zasman Vet, who are passionate about the well-being of animals, and venue partner the Duke of Hamilton.

The event, on Saturday 8 December, starts at 1pm at the Duke of Hamilton, New End Avenue, Hampstead – humans and dogs all welcome! Suitable for families with red-carpet photo opportunities, puppy play areas, limited doggie bags and lots of fun!   SEE YOU THERE!!! 

iMAGE:  Stacey James (L) with Clementine & Linus, Christiana Hines, Hampstead Hounds.


  • House Sitting
  • House Sitting with pets
  • Caring for Cats and Dogs
  • Post-Operative Pet Care
  • Emergency Vet Visits
  • Dog Walking
