The final intensive day of Dog Training
With Victora Stilwell’s help I learnt how to get the absolute focus of a very lively and strong puppy.
With Victora Stilwell’s help I learnt how to get the absolute focus of a very lively and strong puppy.
Collies are an exceptional example of how dogs will watch the tiniest of human movements. All it took was an eye movement in the direction I wanted her to go round the barrel. A wonderful experience!
Most people contact a dog trainer once issues have set in, there is a great need to help manage situations which have built up between a dog and their guardian straight away.
Did you know that a wagging tail does not always mean that a dog is happy? It depends which way the wag is.
We all had to describe what kind of dog we are most like. As dogs are a shared interest of us all, it was a really clever way to bring us together.